Left Photo: Members of the Learning Without Borders team who led the initial implementation of the International Scholars program; Amila Tica, Dr. Matthew Jacobs, Paloma Rodriguez and Dr. Mary Kay Carodine. Right Photo: Taylor Simpson, Current Coordinator of ISP and a graduating student

Last week, the Office of Global Learning hosted the International Scholars Program (ISP) ePortfolio Showcase and Graduation Ceremony. This graduation ceremony marked the 10 year anniversary of the establishment of the International Scholars Program.

We were honored to have Dr. Matthew Jacobs, a founding member of the ISP program, as the keynote speaker. During this event, members of the UF community had the opportunity to witness the remarkable growth and achievements of our ISP graduates. Through their ePortfolios, these graduates shared inspiring narratives of their international experiences, academic accomplishments, and personal development.

We are proud to announce that 120 undergraduate students graduated from the ISP program, another record-breaking year! Congratulations to all!

For those interested in learning more about the International Scholars Program or exploring opportunities for global engagement, please do not hesitate to reach out to Taylor Simpson at tsimpson@ufic.ufl.edu.