To continue our ongoing MOU between the University of Florida and the University of Cuenca, the Dean of the College of Design Construction and Planning, Dr. Chimay Anumba, and Assistant Professor of the School of Architecture, Dr. Karla Saldana Ochoa, visited Cuenca this month. During their visit, the UF representatives met with the architect Alfredo Ordonez the Dean of the School of Architecture at the University of Cuenca; Dr. Silvia Johana Ortiz Ulloa, the Director of the International Center at the University of Cuenca, and the Provost of the University Dr. Maria Agusta Hermida. On Thursday, January 13, both Universities organized a seminar attended by authorities, professors, and directors of research groups of the Faculty of Architecture. An academic agenda was discussed, including enabling virtual exchange courses and study abroad programs. Regarding the research agenda, the professors discussed the opportunity of a visiting scholar program to co-write research grants to reinforce the collaboration between the two universities. The event was held at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Cuenca.