A summary of all the projects presented over the Puerto Rico Re_Start 3 workshop at available now. The Center for Hydro-generated Urbanism (CHU - UF) acted as the host of the activities and actively engaged in logistics and academics with the SOA visitors. Sponsored by Dean Chimay Anumba from the College of Design, Construction, and Planning (DCP), and Director Jason Alread from the School of Architecture, ideas were jointly developed for an International Project + Research Workshop, to be held yearly in Puerto Rico. The first edition took place in March 2018 and the second one in March 2019.

The organizers are glad to announce that the entire publication has been finalized and it is available to you upon request. Due to the size of the document, copyright issues, and to preserve the originality of your projects we would like to keep a record of to who we share this valuable information. They are in the process of obtaining an ISBN to protect its contents and intellectual property. Please be advised that this is a brief glimpse of the 41 projects presented back in March that only highlights the variety of ideas and opportunities.

Please find the summary at theĀ Puerto Rico Re_Start website.